Breko hub uses the following core libraries:
Build tools
- webpack - A module bundler.
- babel - A JavaScript compiler.
- webpack-isomorphic-tools - Library for isomorphic rendering.
- css-modules-require-hook - Modifies node require to compile css-modules.
- koa - A lightweight server framework.
- koa-router - Router middleware for koa.
- - A node engine for WebSocket communication.
- - An adapter for sharing redux actions over WebSockets.
Universal Application
- react - A library for building interfaces.
- redux - A library for state management.
- react-router - A routing library for React.
- react-router-redux - Binding between react-router and redux.
- redial - Universal data fetching for React.
- redux-saga - Side-effect management for redux.
- reselect - A library for creating state selectors.
- redux-promise-middleware - A redux middleware for creating asynchronous actions.
- lodash - A popular modular utility library.
- ramda - A modular utility library focused on functional programming.
- SCSS - A popular CSS preprocessor.
- PostCSS - CSS transformations with JavaScript.
- css-modules - A build step for modular, local scoped CSS management.